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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

//using Rhino.Geometry;

namespace Plankton


Provides access to the faces and PlanktonFace related functionality of a Mesh.

    public class PlanktonFaceList : IEnumerable<PlanktonFace>
        private readonly PlanktonMesh _mesh;
        private List<PlanktonFace> _list;


Initializes a new instance of the PlanktonFaceList class. Should be called from the mesh constructor.


  • owner: The PlanktonMesh to which this list of half-edges belongs.
        internal PlanktonFaceList(PlanktonMesh owner)
            this._list = new List<PlanktonFace>();
            this._mesh = owner;


Gets the number of faces.

        public int Count
                return this._list.Count;
        #region methods
        #region face access


Adds a new face to the end of the Face list.


  • halfEdge: Face to add.


The index of the newly added face.

        internal int Add(PlanktonFace face)
            if (face == null) return -1;
            return this.Count - 1;


Adds a new face to the end of the Face list. Creates any halfedge pairs that are required.


  • indices: The vertex indices which define the face, ordered anticlockwise.


The index of the newly added face (-1 in the case that the face could not be added).


The mesh must remain 2-manifold and orientable at all times.

        public int AddFace(IEnumerable<int> indices)
            // This method always ensures that if a vertex lies on a boundary,
            // vertex -> outgoingHalfedge -> adjacentFace == -1
            int[] array = indices.ToArray(); // using Linq for convenience
            var hs = _mesh.Halfedges;
            var vs = _mesh.Vertices;
            int n = array.Length;
            // Don't allow degenerate faces
            if (n < 3) return -1;
            // Check vertices
            foreach (int i in array)
                // Check that all vertex indices exist in this mesh
                if (i < 0 || i >= vs.Count)
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("No vertex exists at this index.");
                // Check that all vertices are on a boundary
                int outgoing = vs[i].OutgoingHalfedge;
                if (outgoing != -1 && hs[outgoing].AdjacentFace != -1)
                    return -1;
            // For each pair of vertices, check for an existing halfedge
            // If it exists, check that it doesn't already have a face
            // If it doesn't exist, mark for creation of a new halfedge pair
            int[] loop = new int[n];
            bool[] is_new = new bool[n];
            for (int i = 0, ii = 1; i < n; i++, ii++, ii %= n)
                int v1 = array[i], v2 = array[ii];

                // Find existing edge, if it exists
                int h = hs.FindHalfedge(v1, v2);
                if (h < 0)
                    // No halfedge found, mark for creation
                    is_new[i] = true;
                else if (hs[h].AdjacentFace > -1)
                    // Existing halfedge already has a face (non-manifold)
                    return -1;
                    loop[i] = h;
                // NOTE: To PREVENT non-manifold vertices, uncomment the line below...
                //if(is_new[i] && is_new[(i+n-1)%n] && vs[v1].OutgoingHalfedge > -1) return -1;
            // Now create any missing halfedge pairs...
            // (This could be done in the loop above but it avoids having to tidy up
            // any recently added halfedges should a non-manifold edge be found.)
            for (int i = 0, ii = 1; i < n; i++, ii++, ii %= n)
                if (is_new[i]) // new halfedge pair required
                    int v1 = array[i], v2 = array[ii];
                    loop[i] = hs.AddPair(v1, v2, this.Count);
                    // Link existing halfedge to new face
                    hs[loop[i]].AdjacentFace = this.Count;
            // Link halfedges
            for (int i = 0, ii = 1; i < n; i++, ii++, ii %= n)
                //int v1 = array[i];
                int v2 = array[ii];
                int id = 0;
                if (is_new[i])  id += 1; // first is new
                if (is_new[ii]) id += 2; // second is new
                // Check for non-manifold vertex case, i.e. both current halfedges are new
                // but the vertex between them is already part of another face. This vertex
                // will have TWO OR MORE outgoing boundary halfedges! (Not strictly allowed,
                // but it could happen if faces are added in an UGLY order.)
                // TODO: If a mesh has non-manifold vertices perhaps it should be considered
                // INVALID. Any operations performed on such a mesh cannot be relied upon to
                // perform correctly as the adjacency information may not be correct.
                // (More reading: http://www.pointclouds.org/blog/nvcs/)
                if (id == 3 && vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge > -1) id++; // id == 4
                if (id > 0) // At least one of the halfedge pairs is new...
                    // Link outer halfedges
                    int outer_prev = -1, outer_next = -1;
                    switch (id)
                        case 1: // first is new, second is old
                            // iterate through halfedges clockwise around vertex #v2 until boundary
                            outer_prev = hs[loop[ii]].PrevHalfedge;
                            outer_next = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[i]);
                        case 2: // second is new, first is old
                            outer_prev = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[ii]);
                            outer_next = hs[loop[i]].NextHalfedge;
                        case 3: // both are new
                            outer_prev = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[ii]);
                            outer_next = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[i]);
                        case 4: // both are new (non-manifold vertex)
                            // We have TWO boundaries to take care of here: first...
                            outer_prev = hs[vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge].PrevHalfedge;
                            outer_next = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[i]);
                            hs[outer_prev].NextHalfedge = outer_next;
                            hs[outer_next].PrevHalfedge = outer_prev;
                            // and second...
                            outer_prev = hs.GetPairHalfedge(loop[ii]);
                            outer_next = vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge;
                    // outer_{prev,next} should now be set, so store links in HDS
                    if (outer_prev > -1 && outer_next > -1)
                        hs[outer_prev].NextHalfedge = outer_next;
                        hs[outer_next].PrevHalfedge = outer_prev;
                    // Link inner halfedges
                    hs[loop[i]].NextHalfedge = loop[ii];
                    hs[loop[ii]].PrevHalfedge = loop[i];
                    // ensure vertex->outgoing is boundary if vertex is boundary
                    if (is_new[i]) // first is new
                        vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge = loop[i] + 1;
                else // both old (non-manifold vertex trickery below)
                    // In the case that v2 links to the current second halfedge, creating a
                    // face here will redefine v2 as a non-boundary vertex. Do a quick lap of
                    // v2's other outgoing halfedges in case one of them is still a boundary
                    // (as will be the case if v2 was non-manifold).
                    if (vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge == loop[ii])
                        foreach (int h in hs.GetVertexCirculator(loop[ii]).Skip(1))
                            if (hs[h].AdjacentFace < 0)
                                vs[v2].OutgoingHalfedge = h;
                    // If inner loop exists, but for some reason it's not already linked
                    // (non-manifold vertex) make loop[i] adjacent to loop[ii]. Tidy up other
                    // halfedge links such that all outgoing halfedges remain visible to v2.
                    if (hs[loop[i]].NextHalfedge != loop[ii] || hs[loop[ii]].PrevHalfedge != loop[i])
                        int next = hs[loop[i]].NextHalfedge;
                        int prev = hs[loop[ii]].PrevHalfedge;
                        // Find another boundary at this vertex to link 'next' and 'prev' into.
                            int boundary = hs.GetVertexCirculator(loop[ii]).Skip(1)
                                .First(h => hs[h].AdjacentFace < 0);
                            hs.MakeConsecutive(loop[i], loop[ii]);
                            hs.MakeConsecutive(hs[boundary].PrevHalfedge, next);
                            hs.MakeConsecutive(prev, boundary);
                        // If no other boundary is found, something must be wrong...
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                "Failed to relink halfedges around vertex #{0} during creation of face #{1}", v2, this.Count));
            // Finally, add the face and return its index
            PlanktonFace f = new PlanktonFace() { FirstHalfedge = loop[0] };
            return this.Add(f);


Appends a new triangular face to the end of the mesh face list. Creates any halfedge pairs that are required.


  • a: Index of first corner.
  • b: Index of second corner.
  • c: Index of third corner.


The index of the newly added face (-1 in the case that the face could not be added).


The mesh must remain 2-manifold and orientable at all times.

        public int AddFace(int a, int b, int c)
            return this.AddFace(new int[] { a, b, c });


Appends a new quadragular face to the end of the mesh face list. Creates any halfedge pairs that are required.


  • a: Index of first corner.
  • b: Index of second corner.
  • c: Index of third corner.
  • d: Index of fourth corner.


The index of the newly added face (-1 in the case that the face could not be added).


The mesh must remain 2-manifold and orientable at all times.

        public int AddFace(int a, int b, int c, int d)
            return this.AddFace(new int[] { a, b, c, d });


Appends a list of faces to the end of the mesh face list.


  • faces: Faces to add.


Indices of the newly created faces.

        public int[] AddFaces(IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> faces)
            return faces.Select(f => this.AddFace(f)).ToArray();


Removes a face from the mesh without affecting the remaining geometry.

Ensures that the topology of the halfedge mesh remains fully intact.


  • index: The index of the face to be removed.
        public void RemoveFace(int index)
            int[] fhs = this.GetHalfedges(index);
            foreach (int h in fhs)
                if (_mesh.Halfedges.IsBoundary(h))
                  // If halfedge is on a boundary then remove the pair
                  // If halfedge was not previously a boundary, it is now
                  var heObj = _mesh.Halfedges[h];
                  heObj.AdjacentFace = -1;
                  _mesh.Vertices[heObj.StartVertex].OutgoingHalfedge = h;
            this[index] = PlanktonFace.Unset;


Returns the PlanktonFace at the given index.


  • index: Index of face to get. Must be larger than or equal to zero and smaller than the Face Count of the mesh.


The face at the given index.

        public PlanktonFace this[int index]
                return this._list[index];
            internal set
                this._list[index] = value;


Helper method to remove dead faces from the list, re-index and compact.

        internal void CompactHelper()
            int marker = 0; // Location where the current face should be moved to

            // Run through all the faces
            for (int iter = 0; iter < _list.Count; iter++)
                // If face is alive, check if we need to shuffle it down the list
                if (!_list[iter].IsUnused)
                    if (marker < iter)
                        // Room to shuffle. Copy current face to marked slot.
                        _list[marker] = _list[iter];

                        // Update all halfedges which are adjacent
                        int first = _list[marker].FirstHalfedge;
                        foreach (int h in _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(first))
                            _mesh.Halfedges[h].AdjacentFace = marker;
                    marker++; // That spot's filled. Advance the marker.

            // Trim list down to new size
            if (marker < _list.Count) { _list.RemoveRange(marker, _list.Count - marker); }
        #region traversals


Traverses the halfedge indices which bound a face.


  • f: A face index.


An enumerable of halfedge indices incident to the specified face. Ordered anticlockwise around the face.

        [Obsolete("GetHalfedgesCirculator(int) is deprecated, please use" +
            "Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(int) instead.")]
        public IEnumerable<int> GetHalfedgesCirculator(int f)
            int he_first = this[f].FirstHalfedge;
            if (he_first < 0) yield break; // face has no connectivity, exit
            int he_current = he_first;
                yield return he_current;
                he_current = _mesh.Halfedges[he_current].NextHalfedge;
            while (he_current != he_first);

        #region adjacency queries


Gets the halfedges which bound a face.


  • f: A face index.


The indices of halfedges incident to a particular face. Ordered anticlockwise around the face.

        public int[] GetHalfedges(int f)
            return _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(this[f].FirstHalfedge).ToArray();


Gets vertex indices of a face.


  • f: A face index.


An array of vertex indices incident to the specified face. Ordered anticlockwise around the face.

        public int[] GetFaceVertices(int f)
            return _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(this[f].FirstHalfedge)
                .Select(h => _mesh.Halfedges[h].StartVertex).ToArray();

        [Obsolete("GetVertices is deprecated, please use GetFaceVertices instead.")]
        public int[] GetVertices(int f)
            return this.GetFaceVertices(f);

        #region Euler operators


Split a face into two faces by inserting a new edge


  • to: The index of a second halfedge adjacent to the face to split. The new edge will end at the start of this halfedge.
  • from: The index of a halfedge adjacent to the face to split. The new edge will begin at the start of this halfedge.


The index of one of the newly created halfedges, or -1 on failure. The returned halfedge will be adjacent to the pre-existing face.

        public int SplitFace(int to, int from)
            // split the adjacent face in 2
            // by creating a new edge from the start of the given halfedge
            // to another vertex around the face

            var hs = _mesh.Halfedges;

            // check preconditions
            int existing_face = hs[from].AdjacentFace;
            if (existing_face == -1 || existing_face != hs[to].AdjacentFace) { return -1; }
            if (from == to || hs[from].NextHalfedge == to || hs[to].NextHalfedge == from) { return -1; }

            // add the new halfedge pair
            int new_halfedge1 = hs.AddPair(hs[from].StartVertex, hs[to].StartVertex, existing_face);
            int new_halfedge2 = hs.GetPairHalfedge(new_halfedge1);

            // add a new face
            //PlanktonFace new_face = new PlanktonFace();
            int new_face_index = this.Add(PlanktonFace.Unset);

            //link everything up

            //prev of input he becomes prev of new_he1
            hs.MakeConsecutive(hs[from].PrevHalfedge, new_halfedge1);

            //prev of he_around becomes prev of new_he2
            hs.MakeConsecutive(hs[to].PrevHalfedge, new_halfedge2);
            //next of new_he1 becomes he_around
            hs.MakeConsecutive(new_halfedge1, to);

            //next of new_he2 becomes index
            hs.MakeConsecutive(new_halfedge2, from);

            //set the original face's first halfedge to new_he1
            this[existing_face].FirstHalfedge = new_halfedge1;
            //set the new face's first halfedge to new_he2
            this[new_face_index].FirstHalfedge = new_halfedge2;
            //set adjface of new face loop
            foreach (int h in _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(new_halfedge2))
                hs[h].AdjacentFace = new_face_index;

            //think thats all of it!           

            return new_halfedge1;


Merges the two faces incident to the specified halfedge pair.


  • index: The index of a halfedge inbetween the two faces to merge. The face adjacent to this halfedge will be retained.


The successor of index around the face, or -1 on failure.


The invariant will return a, leaving the mesh unchanged.

        public int MergeFaces(int index)
            var hs = _mesh.Halfedges;
            int pair = hs.GetPairHalfedge(index);
            int face = hs[index].AdjacentFace;
            int pair_face = hs[pair].AdjacentFace;

            // Check for a face on both sides
            if (face == -1 || pair_face == -1) { return -1; }

            // Both vertices incident to given halfedge must have valence > 2
            if (3 > _mesh.Vertices.GetHalfedges(hs[index].StartVertex).Length) { return -1; }
            if (3 > _mesh.Vertices.GetHalfedges(hs[pair].StartVertex).Length) { return -1; }

            // Make combined face halfedges consecutive
            int index_prev = hs[index].PrevHalfedge;
            int index_next = hs[index].NextHalfedge;

            // Remove halfedges (handles re-linking at ends and re-assigning vertices' outgoing hes)

            // Update retained face's first halfedge, if necessary
            if (this[face].FirstHalfedge == index)
                this[face].FirstHalfedge = index_next;

            // Go around the dead face, reassigning adjacency
            foreach (int h in hs.GetFaceCirculator(index_next))
                hs[h].AdjacentFace = face;

            // Keep the adjacent face, but remove the pair's adjacent face
            this[pair_face] = PlanktonFace.Unset;

            return index_next;


Divides an n-sided face into n triangles, adding a new vertex in the center of the face.


  • index: The index of the face to stellate


The index of the central vertex

        public int Stellate(int f)
            int central_vertex = _mesh.Vertices.Add(this.GetFaceCenter(f));
            int CountBefore = _mesh.Halfedges.Count();
            int[] FaceHalfEdges = this.GetHalfedges(f);
            for (int i = 0; i < FaceHalfEdges.Length; i++)
                int ThisHalfEdge = FaceHalfEdges[i];
                int TriangleFace;
                if (i == 0) {TriangleFace = f;}
                else {TriangleFace = this.Add(PlanktonFace.Unset);}                
                this[TriangleFace].FirstHalfedge = ThisHalfEdge;
                _mesh.Halfedges[ThisHalfEdge].AdjacentFace = TriangleFace;
                int OutSpoke = _mesh.Halfedges.AddPair(central_vertex, _mesh.Halfedges[ThisHalfEdge].StartVertex, TriangleFace);
                if (i == 0) { _mesh.Vertices[central_vertex].OutgoingHalfedge = OutSpoke; }
            for (int i = 0; i < FaceHalfEdges.Length; i++)
                int ThisHalfEdge = FaceHalfEdges[i];
                    //link the edge to the ingoing spoke, and the ingoing spoke to the outgoing one
                    _mesh.Halfedges.MakeConsecutive(ThisHalfEdge, CountBefore + i*2 + 3);
                    _mesh.Halfedges.MakeConsecutive(CountBefore + (i*2) + 3, CountBefore + (i*2));
                    //set the AdjacentFace of the ingoing spoke                
                    _mesh.Halfedges[CountBefore + (i * 2) + 3].AdjacentFace = _mesh.Halfedges[ThisHalfEdge].AdjacentFace;
                    _mesh.Halfedges.MakeConsecutive(ThisHalfEdge, CountBefore + 1);
                    _mesh.Halfedges.MakeConsecutive(CountBefore + 1, CountBefore + (i*2));
                    _mesh.Halfedges[CountBefore + 1].AdjacentFace = _mesh.Halfedges[ThisHalfEdge].AdjacentFace;
            return central_vertex;


Gets the barycenter of a face's vertices.


  • f: A face index.


The location of the specified face's barycenter.

        public PlanktonXYZ GetFaceCenter(int f)
            PlanktonXYZ centroid = PlanktonXYZ.Zero;
            int count = 0;
            foreach (int i in this.GetFaceVertices(f))
                centroid += _mesh.Vertices[i].ToXYZ();
            centroid *= 1f / count;
            return centroid;
        [Obsolete("FaceCentroid is deprecated, please use GetFaceCenter instead.")]
        public PlanktonXYZ FaceCentroid(int f)
            return this.GetFaceCenter(f);


Gets the number of naked edges which bound this face.


  • f: A face index.


The number of halfedges for which the opposite halfedge has no face (i.e. adjacent face index is -1).

        public int NakedEdgeCount(int f)
            int nakedCount = 0;
            foreach (int i in _mesh.Halfedges.GetFaceCirculator(this[f].FirstHalfedge))
                if (_mesh.Halfedges[_mesh.Halfedges.GetPairHalfedge(i)].AdjacentFace == -1) nakedCount++;
            return nakedCount;
        #region IEnumerable implementation


Gets an enumerator that yields all faces in this collection.


An enumerator.

        public IEnumerator<PlanktonFace> GetEnumerator()
            return this._list.GetEnumerator();
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator();